Peacock Productions Peacock Productions





Tantalizing your taste buds

Palak Paneer


Spinach: 2 large bunch about 800 grams
Cottage Cheese (paneer): 200 grams
Garlic: 9 cloves
Green Chilies: about 4 (or as per your taste)
Oil: 3 tble Spoons
Cumin Seeds: 3/4 table spoon
Salt: as per your taste
Lemon Juice: 1 table spoon
Cream: 4 table spoons


1. Remove stems and wash spinach under running water. Blanch in salted boiling water for four minutes. Rinse in cold water. Squeeze the excess water. Grind into a fine paste along with chilies.

2. Dice the paneer into 1"x1"x1/2" pieces. Chop garlic and keep aside for later use.

3. Heat the oil in a pan. Add cumin seeds. When they begin to change color, add chopped garlic and sauté for a minute. Add the spinach and stir. Check seasoning. Add water if required.

4. When the gravy comes to a boil, add paneer dices and mix. Stir in lemon juice. Finally, add the cream.

To get best results, do not overcook the spinach, as overcooking would not only effect the bright green color of spinach, but also the taste.

Bon appetite.

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